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Father's Day - Nationwide Shippable Bestsellers


Father's Day - Nationwide Shippable Bestsellers

Father’s Day is just around the corner - so make sure to indulge dad with some of his favorite treats. Whether you’re planning a casual backyard barbecue or a special sit-down dinner, make sure to end this special day on a sweet note with Sweet E’s Bake Shop. With Sweet E’s cookie delivery for Father's Day available for nationwide shipping, you can have your freshly baked Father’s Day cakesicles, cookies and more delivered straight to your doorstep - no matter where you are in the US. 

Father’s Day Cookies Delivery 

For dads who like their treats simple and straightforward, our Father’s Day Stuffed Cookie Gift Box steals the show. This is the perfect treat if you can’t decide between a cookie or candy - because it has both! Each cookie comes stuffed with Oreos, Twix, or Reese’s. If your favorite guy is a huge cookie lover, then he’ll definitely enjoy our 10-inch Father's Day Cookie Cake, perfect for sharing with the entire family. 

Want something with a bit of texture and crunch? These Father's Day Oreos will certainly sweeten up your dad’s day! For something bite-sized and easy to serve, try our Father’s Day Cakesicles, made from luscious cake layers dipped in premium chocolate. 

Order Father’s Day Treats from Sweet E’s  

Running out of ideas for what to give dad for Father’s Day? Why not give him a sweet treat from  Sweet E’s Bake Shop? Whether it’s to top off a special meal, something for him to munch while watching his favorite TV show, or something to pair with his favorite coffee, our delectable treats are sure to hit the spot. 

When it comes to Father’s Day cookies delivery, you can depend on us to deliver the goods. Place your orders from our Father's day dessert delivery service and get them in time to celebrate the best guy ever!